Source code for evalys.visu.lifecycle

# coding: utf-8

import matplotlib.gridspec
import matplotlib.lines
import matplotlib.patches
import matplotlib.pyplot
import pandas

from . import core
from .. import utils

[docs]class LifecycleVisualization(core.Visualization): """ Visualization of the lifecycle of jobs in a jobset. The `LifecycleVisualization` class displays for each job its associated events. The visualization is divided into horizontal stripes. Each stripe corresponds to an event type. The x-axis represents time, while the y-axis represents the size of the jobs. :cvar COLUMNS: The columns required to build the visualization. :cvar _events: The supported events. :ivar _lspec: The specification of the layout for the visualization. :vartype _lspec: _LayoutSpec :ivar _ax: A dictionnary containing the instances of `Axe` to draw on. There is an instance per stripe, each stripe `Axe` is identified by the event name (cf. `self._events`). :ivar palette: The palette of colors to be used. :ivar markers: The markers to use for each event type. It defaults to `('.', '>', '|')`. The strings must be valid markers for matplotlib. Each marker is associated with the event of same index in `self._events`. :ivar markersizes: The size to use for each of the markers. It defaults to `(10, 8, 15)`. Each size is associated to the marker associated with the event of same index in `self._events`. :ivar alpha: The transparency level for the markers. It defaults to `0.5`. The transparency level of the links is set to `0.4 * self.alpha`. :vartype alpha: float :ivar xscale: The requested adaptation of the x-axis scale. Valid values are `None`, and `'time'`. * It defaults to `None`, and uses raw values by default. * If set to `time`, the x-axis interprets the data as timestamps, and uses a time-aware semantic. :ivar yscale: The requested adaptation of the y-axis scale. Valid values are `None`, and `'log2'`. * It defaults to `None`, and uses raw values by default. * If set to `log2`, the y-axis is transformed to show the values on a logarithmic scale in base 2. """ COLUMNS = ('allocated_resources', 'finish_time', 'starting_time', 'submission_time', ) _events = ('submit', 'start', 'finish') _ev2col = { # mapping to the actual column 'submit': 'submission_time', 'start': 'starting_time', 'finish': 'finish_time', } def __init__(self, lspec, *, title='Jobs\' lifecycle'): super().__init__(lspec) self.title = title self.palette = ('blue', 'green', 'red') self.markers = ('.', '>', '|') self.markersizes = (10, 8, 15) self.alpha = 0.5 self.xscale = None self.yscale = None self._columns = self.COLUMNS def _set_axes(self): gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( nrows=3, ncols=1, hspace=0.0, subplot_spec=self._lspec.spec ) self._ax = {} self._ax['submit'] = self._lspec.fig.add_subplot(gs[2, :]) self._ax['start'] = self._lspec.fig.add_subplot( gs[1, :], sharex=self._ax['submit'], sharey=self._ax['submit'] ) self._ax['finish'] = self._lspec.fig.add_subplot( gs[0, :], sharex=self._ax['submit'], sharey=self._ax['submit'] ) def _customize_layout(self): # hide ticks/labels except for bottom-most axis for event in self._events[1:]: self._ax[event].xaxis.set_tick_params( tick1On=False, tick2On=False, # remove ticks label1On=False, label2On=False # remove labels ) self._ax[event].xaxis.offsetText.set(visible=False) # why‽ for subax in self._ax.values(): subax.grid(True) # adapt scale of axes if requested if self.xscale == 'time': self._ax['submit'].xaxis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d\n%H:%M:%S') ) if self.yscale == 'log2': self._ax['submit'].set_yscale('log', basey=2) # set caption in the top-most stripe captions = [ matplotlib.lines.Line2D( [], [], color=self.palette[idx], marker=self.markers[idx], linestyle='none', label=event ) for idx, event in enumerate(self._events) ] self._ax['finish'].legend(handles=captions, loc='best') @property def title(self): return self._ax['finish'].get_title() # finish is the top-most stripe @title.setter def title(self, title): self._ax['finish'].set_title(title) # finish is the top-most stripe @staticmethod def _adapt_jobsize(df): df['jobsize'] = df['allocated_resources'].map(len) def _adapt_time_xscale(self, df): for column in self._ev2col.values(): # interpret column with time aware semantics df[column] = pandas.to_datetime(df[column], unit='s') # convert column to use it with matplotlib df[column] = df[column].map(matplotlib.dates.date2num) def _adapt(self, df): self._adapt_jobsize(df) if self.xscale == 'time': self._adapt_time_xscale(df) def _draw(self, df): # plot each event with respect to job size for idx, event in enumerate(self._events): self._ax[event].plot( df[self._ev2col[event]], df['jobsize'], linestyle='none', alpha=self.alpha, color=self.palette[idx], marker=self.markers[idx], markersize=self.markersizes[idx] ) # link events related to the same job def _link_events(job): xy = { event: (job[self._ev2col[event]], job['jobsize']) for event in self._events } links = ('submit', 'start'), ('start', 'finish') for idx, (orig, dest) in enumerate(links): link = matplotlib.patches.ConnectionPatch( xyA=xy[dest], xyB=xy[orig], axesA=self._ax[dest], axesB=self._ax[orig], coordsA='data', coordsB='data', alpha=0.4*self.alpha, color=self.palette[idx], linestyle='-' ) self._ax[dest].add_artist(link) # df.apply(_link_events, axis='columns')
[docs] def build(self, jobset): df = jobset.df.loc[:, self._columns] # copy just what is needed self._adapt(df) # extract the data required for the visualization self._customize_layout() # prepare the layout for displaying the data self._draw(df) # do the painting job
[docs]def plot_lifecycle(jobset, *, title='Jobs\' life cycle', **kwargs): """ Helper function to create a lifecycle visualization of a workload. :param jobset: The jobset under study. :type jobset: `JobSet` :param title: The title of the window. :type title: `str` :param \**kwargs: The keyword arguments to be fed to the constructor of the visualization class. """ layout = core.SimpleLayout(wtitle=title) plot = layout.inject(LifecycleVisualization, spskey='all', title=title) utils.bulksetattr(plot, **kwargs)