Source code for evalys.visu.gantt

# coding: utf-8

import functools

import matplotlib.dates
import matplotlib.patches
import numpy
import pandas

from . import core
from .. import utils

[docs]class GanttVisualization(core.Visualization): """ Visualization of a jobset as a Gantt chart. The `GanttVisualization` class displays a jobset as a Gantt chart. Each job in the jobset is represented as a set of rectangle. The x-axis represents time, while the y-axis represents resources. :cvar COLUMNS: The columns required to build the visualization. :ivar _lspec: The specification of the layout for the visualization. :vartype _lspec: `core._LayoutSpec` :ivar _ax: The `Axe` to draw on. :ivar palette: The palette of colors to be used. :ivar xscale: The requested adaptation of the x-axis scale. Valid values are `None`, and `'time'`. * It defaults to `None`, and uses raw values by default. * If set to `time`, the x-axis interprets the data as timestamps, and uses a time-aware semantic. :ivar alpha: The transparency level of the rectangles depicting jobs. It defaults to `0.4`. :vartype alpha: float :ivar colorer: The strategy to assign a color to a job. By default, the colors of the palette are picked with a round-robin strategy. The colorer is a function expecting two positional parameters: first the `job`, and second the `palette`. See `GanttVisualization.round_robin_map` for an example. :ivar labeler: The strategy to label jobs. By default, the `jobID` column is used to label jobs. To disable the labeling of jobs, simply return an empty string. """ COLUMNS = ('jobID', 'allocated_resources', 'execution_time', 'finish_time', 'starting_time', 'submission_time', ) def __init__(self, lspec, *, title='Gantt chart'): super().__init__(lspec) self.title = title self.xscale = None self.alpha = 0.4 self.colorer = self.round_robin_map self.labeler = lambda job: str(job['jobID']) self._columns = self.COLUMNS def _customize_layout(self): self._ax.grid(True) # adapt scale of axes if requested if self.xscale == 'time': self._ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d\n%H:%M:%S') ) @staticmethod def _adapt_uniq_num(df): df['uniq_num'] = numpy.arange(0, len(df)) @staticmethod def _adapt_time_xscale(df): # interpret columns with time aware semantics df['submission_time'] = pandas.to_datetime(df['submission_time'], unit='s') df['starting_time'] = pandas.to_datetime(df['starting_time'], unit='s') df['execution_time'] = pandas.to_timedelta(df['execution_time'], unit='s') df['finish_time'] = df['starting_time'] + df['execution_time'] # convert columns to use them with matplotlib df['submission_time'] = df['submission_time'].map(matplotlib.dates.date2num) df['starting_time'] = df['starting_time'].map(matplotlib.dates.date2num) df['finish_time'] = df['finish_time'].map(matplotlib.dates.date2num) df['execution_time'] = df['finish_time'] - df['starting_time'] def _adapt(self, df): self._adapt_uniq_num(df) if self.xscale == 'time': self._adapt_time_xscale(df) @staticmethod def _annotate(rect, label): rx, ry = rect.get_xy() cx, cy = rx + rect.get_width() / 2.0, ry + rect.get_height() / 2.0 rect.axes.annotate( label, (cx, cy), color='black', fontsize='small', ha='center', va='center' ) @staticmethod def round_robin_map(job, palette): return palette[job['uniq_num'] % len(palette)] def _draw(self, df): def _plot_job(job): x0 = job['starting_time'] duration = job['execution_time'] for itv in job['allocated_resources'].intervals(): height = itv.sup - itv.inf + 1 rect = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle( (x0, itv.inf), duration, height, alpha=self.alpha, facecolor=functools.partial(self.colorer, palette=self.palette)(job), edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.5 ) self._ax.add_artist(rect) self._annotate(rect, self.labeler(job)) # df.apply(_plot_job, axis='columns')
[docs] def build(self, jobset): df = jobset.df.loc[:, self._columns] # copy just what is needed self._adapt(df) # extract the data required for the visualization self._customize_layout() # prepare the layout for displaying the data self._draw(df) # do the painting job # tweak boundaries to match the studied jobset self._ax.set( xlim=(df.submission_time.min(), df.finish_time.max()), ylim=(jobset.res_bounds.inf - 1, jobset.res_bounds.sup + 2), )
[docs]class DiffGanttVisualization(GanttVisualization): def __init__(self, lspec, *, title='Gantt charts comparison'): super().__init__(lspec, title=title) self.alpha = 0.5 self.colorer = lambda _, palette: palette[0] # single color per jobset self.labeler = lambda _: '' # do not label jobs self.palette = None # let .build(…) figure the number of colors
[docs] def build(self, jobsets): _orig_palette = self.palette # save original palette # create an adapted palette if none has been provided palette = self.palette or core.generate_palette(len(jobsets)) gxmin, gxmax = None, None # global xlim captions = [] # list of proxy objects for the legend for idx, (js_name, js_obj) in enumerate(jobsets.items()): # create a palette made of a single color for current jobset color = palette[idx] self.palette = [color] # build as a GanttVisualization for current jobset super().build(js_obj) # tweak visualization appearance if idx: # recompute xlim with respect to previous GanttVisualization xmin, xmax = self._ax.get_xlim() gxmin, gxmax = min(xmin, gxmin), max(xmax, gxmax) self._ax.set_xlim(gxmin, gxmax) else: # first GanttVisualization, save xlim as is gxmin, gxmax = self._ax.get_xlim() # create a proxy object for the legend captions.append( matplotlib.patches.Patch(color=color, alpha=self.alpha, label=js_name) ) # add legend to the visualization self._ax.legend(handles=captions, loc='best') self.palette = _orig_palette # restore original palette
[docs]def plot_gantt(jobset, *, title='Gantt chart', **kwargs): """ Helper function to create a Gantt chart of a workload. :param jobset: The jobset under study. :type jobset: ``JobSet`` :param title: The title of the window. :type title: ``str`` :param \**kwargs: The keyword arguments to be fed to the constructor of the visualization class. """ layout = core.SimpleLayout(wtitle=title) plot = layout.inject(GanttVisualization, spskey='all', title=title) utils.bulksetattr(plot, **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_diff_gantt(jobsets, *, title='Gantt charts comparison', **kwargs): """ Helper function to create a comparison of Gantt charts of two (or more) workloads. :param jobsets: The jobsets under study. :type jobset: list(JobSet) :param title: The title of the window. :type title: str :param \**kwargs: The keyword arguments to be fed to the constructor of the visualization class. """ layout = core.SimpleLayout(wtitle=title) plot = layout.inject(DiffGanttVisualization, spskey='all', title=title) utils.bulksetattr(plot, **kwargs)