Source code for evalys.jobset

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from evalys import visu
import evalys.visu.legacy as vleg
from procset import ProcInt, ProcSet
from evalys.metrics import compute_load, load_mean, fragmentation_reis, fragmentation

[docs]class JobSet(object): ''' A JobSet is a set of jobs with it state, its time properties and the resources it is associated with. It takes a dataframe in input that are intended to have the columns defined in :py::`JobSet.columns`. The `allocated_resources` one should contain the string representation of an interval set of the allocated resources for the given job, i.e. for this interval:: # interval_set representation [(1, 2), (5, 5), (10, 50)] # strinf representation 1-2 5 10-50 .. warning:: Floating point precision is set to :py:attr:`self.float_precision` so all floating point values are rounded with this number of digits. Defalut set to 6 For example: >>> from evalys.jobset import JobSet >>> js = JobSet.from_csv("./examples/jobs.csv") >>> js.plot(with_details=True) >>> # to show the graph >>> # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> # You can also specify the the resource_bounds like this: >>> js = JobSet.from_csv("./examples/jobs.csv", ... resource_bounds=(0, 63)) ''' def __init__(self, df, resource_bounds=None, float_precision=6): # reset the index of the dataframe df = df.reset_index(drop=True) # set float round precision self.float_precision = float_precision self.df = np.round(df, float_precision) if resource_bounds: self.res_bounds = ProcInt(*resource_bounds) else: def alloc_apply(f, alloc): for pset in alloc: try: yield f(pset) except ValueError: pass self.res_bounds = ProcInt( min(alloc_apply(lambda pset: pset.min, self.df.allocated_resources)), max(alloc_apply(lambda pset: pset.max, self.df.allocated_resources)) ) self.MaxProcs = len(self.res_bounds) self.df['proc_alloc'] = self.df.allocated_resources.apply(len) # Add missing columns if possible fillable_relative = all( col in self.df.columns for col in ['submission_time', 'waiting_time', 'execution_time'] ) fillable_absolute = all( col in self.df.columns for col in ['submission_time', 'starting_time', 'finish_time'] ) if fillable_relative: if 'starting_time' not in self.df.columns: self.df['starting_time'] = \ self.df['submission_time'] + self.df['waiting_time'] if 'finish_time' not in self.df.columns: self.df['finish_time'] = \ self.df['starting_time'] + self.df['execution_time'] elif fillable_absolute: if 'waiting_time' not in self.df.columns: self.df['waiting_time'] = \ self.df['starting_time'] - self.df['submission_time'] if 'execution_time' not in self.df.columns: self.df['execution_time'] = \ self.df['finish_time'] - self.df['starting_time'] if 'job_id' in self.df.columns: self.df.rename(columns={'job_id': 'jobID'}, inplace=True) # TODO check consistency on calculated columns... # init cache self._utilisation = None self._queue = None __converters = { 'jobID': str, 'job_id': str, 'workload': str, 'profile': str, 'allocated_resources': ProcSet.from_str, } columns = ['jobID', 'submission_time', 'requested_number_of_resources', 'requested_time', 'success', 'starting_time', 'execution_time', 'finish_time', 'waiting_time', 'turnaround_time', 'stretch', 'allocated_resources'] @classmethod def from_csv(cls, filename, resource_bounds=None): df = pd.read_csv(filename, converters=cls.__converters) return cls(df, resource_bounds=resource_bounds)
[docs] def to_csv(self, filename): """ Export this jobset to a csv file with a ',' as separator. Example: >>> from evalys.jobset import JobSet >>> js = JobSet.from_csv("./examples/jobs.csv") >>> js.to_csv("/tmp/jobs.csv") """ df = self.df.copy() df.allocated_resources = df.allocated_resources.apply(str) with open(filename, 'w') as f: df.to_csv(f, index=False, sep=",", float_format='%.{}f'.format(self.float_precision))
def gantt(self, time_scale=False, **kwargs): if time_scale: kwargs['xscale'] = 'time' visu.plot_gantt(self, **kwargs) @property def utilisation(self): if self._utilisation is not None: return self._utilisation self._utilisation = compute_load(self.df, col_begin='starting_time', col_end='finish_time', col_cumsum='proc_alloc') return self._utilisation @property def queue(self): ''' Calculate cluster queue size over time in number of procs. :returns: a time indexed serie that contain the number of used processors ''' # Do not re-compute everytime if self._queue is not None: return self._queue proc = "requested_number_of_resources" self._queue = compute_load(self.df, 'submission_time', 'starting_time', proc) return self._queue
[docs] def reset_time(self, to=0): ''' Reset the time index by giving the first submission time as 1 ''' df = self.df if not to: reset_value = df['submission_time'].min() - 1 else: reset_value = to for col in ['starting_time', 'submission_time', 'finish_time']: df[col] = df[col] - reset_value self._queue = None self._utilisation = None
def plot(self, normalize=False, with_details=False, time_scale=False, title=None): nrows = 2 if with_details: nrows = nrows + 2 fig, axe = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, sharex=True, figsize=(12, 8)) if title: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) vleg.plot_load(self.utilisation, self.MaxProcs, load_label="utilisation", ax=axe[0], normalize=normalize, time_scale=time_scale) vleg.plot_load(self.queue, self.MaxProcs, load_label="queue", ax=axe[1], normalize=normalize, time_scale=time_scale) if with_details: vleg.plot_job_details(self.df, self.MaxProcs, ax=axe[2], time_scale=time_scale) vleg.plot_gantt(self, ax=axe[3], time_scale=time_scale) def detailed_utilisation(self): df = self.free_intervals() df['total'] = len(self.res_bounds) - df.free_itvs.apply(len) df.set_index("time", drop=True, inplace=True) return df def mean_utilisation(self, begin_time=None, end_time=None): return load_mean(self.utilisation, begin=begin_time, end=end_time)
[docs] def free_intervals(self, begin_time=0, end_time=None): ''' :returns: a dataframe with the free resources over time. Each line corespounding to an event in the jobset. ''' df = self.df # Create a list of start and stop event associated to the proc # allocation: # Free -> Used : grab = 1 # Used -> Free : grab = 0 event_columns = ['time', 'free_itvs', 'grab'] start_event_df = pd.concat([df['starting_time'], df['allocated_resources'], pd.Series(np.ones(len(df), dtype=bool))], axis=1) start_event_df.columns = event_columns # Stop event have zero in grab stop_event_df = pd.concat([df['finish_time'], df['allocated_resources'], pd.Series(np.zeros(len(df), dtype=bool))], axis=1) stop_event_df.columns = event_columns # merge events and sort them event_df = start_event_df.append( stop_event_df, ignore_index=True).sort_values( by=['time', 'grab']).reset_index(drop=True) # cut events if necessary # reindex event_df event_df = event_df.sort_values(by='time').set_index(['time'], drop=False) # find closest index begin = event_df.index.searchsorted(begin_time) if end_time is not None: end = event_df.index.searchsorted(end_time) else: end = len(event_df.index) - 1 event_df = event_df.iloc[begin:end].reset_index(drop=True) # All resources are free at the beginning event_columns = ['time', 'free_itvs'] first_row = [begin_time, ProcSet(self.res_bounds)] free_interval_serie = pd.DataFrame(columns=event_columns) free_interval_serie.loc[0] = first_row for index, row in event_df.iterrows(): current_itv = free_interval_serie.ix[index]['free_itvs'] if row.grab: new_itv = current_itv - row.free_itvs else: new_itv = current_itv | row.free_itvs new_row = [row.time, new_itv] free_interval_serie.loc[index + 1] = new_row if end_time is not None: last_row = [end_time, ProcSet()] free_interval_serie.loc[len(free_interval_serie)] = last_row return free_interval_serie
[docs] def free_slots(self, begin_time=0, end_time=None): ''' :returns: a DataFrame (compatible with a JobSet) that contains all the not overlapping square free slots of this JobSet maximzing the time. It can be transform to a JobSet to be plot as gantt chart. ''' # slots_time contains tuple of # (slot_begin_time,free_resources_intervals) free_interval_serie = self.free_intervals(begin_time, end_time) slots_time = [(free_interval_serie.time[0], ProcSet(self.res_bounds))] new_slots_time = slots_time columns = ['jobID', 'allocated_resources', 'starting_time', 'finish_time', 'execution_time', 'submission_time'] free_slots_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) prev_free_itvs = ProcSet(self.res_bounds) slots = 0 for i, curr_row in free_interval_serie.iterrows(): if i == 0: continue new_slots_time = [] curr_time = curr_row.time taken_resources = prev_free_itvs - curr_row.free_itvs freed_resources = curr_row.free_itvs - prev_free_itvs if i == len(free_interval_serie) - 1: taken_resources = ProcSet(self.res_bounds) if taken_resources: # slot ends: store it and update free slot for begin_time, itvs in slots_time: to_update = itvs & taken_resources if to_update: # store new slots slots = slots + 1 new_slot = [str(slots), to_update, begin_time, curr_time, curr_time - begin_time, begin_time] free_slots_df.loc[slots] = new_slot # remove free slots free_res = itvs - to_update if free_res: new_slots_time.append((begin_time, free_res)) else: new_slots_time.append((begin_time, itvs)) if freed_resources: # slots begin: udpate free slot if not new_slots_time: new_slots_time = slots_time new_slots_time.append((curr_time, freed_resources)) # update previous prev_free_itvs = curr_row.free_itvs # clean slots_free slots_time = new_slots_time return free_slots_df
def fragmentation(self, p=2, resource_intervals=None, begin_time=None, end_time=None): if end_time is None: end_time = self.df.finish_time.max() if begin_time is None: begin_time = self.df.submission_time.min() return fragmentation( self.free_resources_gaps(resource_intervals, begin_time, end_time), p=p) #return fragmentation_reis( # self.free_resources_gaps(resource_intervals, # begin_time, end_time), # end_time - begin_time, p=p)
[docs] def free_resources_gaps(self, resource_intervals=None, begin_time=0, end_time=None): """ :param resource_intervals: An interval set on which compute the free resources gaps, Default: self.res_bounds :returns: a resource indexed list where each element is a numpy array of free slots. """ js = self fs = js.free_slots(begin_time, end_time) free_resources_gaps = [] if resource_intervals is None: resource_intervals = self.res_bounds for _ in range(resource_intervals[0], resource_intervals[1] + 1): free_resources_gaps.append([]) def get_free_slots_by_resources(x): for res in range(resource_intervals[0], resource_intervals[1] + 1): if res in x.allocated_resources: free_resources_gaps[res - resource_intervals[0]].append(x.execution_time) # compute resource gaps fs.apply(get_free_slots_by_resources, axis=1) # format each gap list in numpy array for i, fi in enumerate(free_resources_gaps): free_resources_gaps[i] = np.asarray(fi) return free_resources_gaps